The idea

Library for all – the reading point where you set out on a great adventure

We like to read.

The idea of making an English library in Cieszyn and Český Těšín shaped out from the need to read more books without having to go to the nearby cities. Reading in English is a nice and easy way to improve your English skills and to enrich your cultural background. It is a never ending journey and food for thoughts.

We like to learn.

Nelson Mandela said that “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” and most important, ourselves. We can make connections with the people around us without sharing a common language, but even more when we do. Being able to communicate in English with the people around the world gives the opportunity to build up networks, travel, make international projects, have an impact at an European and global level.

We learn about other cultures, about arts, environment, history, religions, philosophy, do-it-yourself, about adventures seen through the eyes of people from all over the world.

So we decided to open an English library in Cieszyn and Český Těšín, where everyone can come and read, rent a book and take part in the other activities we organize. The library will be in Herbaciarnia Laja (Cieszyn) and in the youth center in Petrklíč Help (Český Těšín). You can read a book and enjoy a green tea, hot chocolate and share your thoughts on the book or movie you are discovering.

in the sun:)

Library for all is a project made by young people with great enthusiasm, energy and ideas so we planned different creative activities.

If you are passionate about crafting, we gladly invite you to the bookbinding workshops and to creative recycling workshops where we will work with old books and paper crafting.

recycled book

If you are a movie lover, then we are inviting you to our screenings from July until February, in Herbaciarnia Laja and Club Dziupla. We will watch documentaries and book reviews with Czech and Polish subtitles and the program is here. The screenings are meant to bring together people from different countries that are currently working or studying here, people of different ages and interests.

Because we want to reach more people, we will go to schools and read together with the students. We will connect each meeting with an author or celebration, read quotes, riddles, poems, scripts. We already are a multicultural team working on this project so we decided to invite people from other countries to the reading sessions, thus giving the students the opportunity to hear how other languages sound like and how people from all corners of the world wrote about the same themes in their own way…how love, friendship, family, war, beauty is seen. You can find more information about the reading sessions here.

These are just the main activities we planned and we are open to any new ideas and collaborations (see here).

our imagination

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